If you signed up as an investor or mentor, please be sure to visit your dashboard and complete the collaboration/credentials section. That way, even though other users won't know your name, they will know why you're using AngelRoot, your qualifications and your deal screening experience.

There's a super angel with 27 successful technology deals beyond that mask.

. . . more >



Your reviews will still remain anonymous, but your  credentials wont. They'll be displayed alongside your reviews when investors collaborate and when startups read feedback.


We also calculate a real-time experience factor index (EFI) which compares each investor's screening experience to the general population of all investors. Its pretty straight forward. An EFI of 111 means that the review was written by someone who is 11% more "experienced" than the general population of all AngelRoot investors. 97 means 3% less experienced.


As the Platform grows, the EFI calculation will begin including other factors as well.





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AngelRoot, Inc. is a NY State Benefit Corporation founded to empower entrepreneurs to cultivate nascent ideas and advance significant technologies.